Geez ! What is all the shoutin about . Wears my hearing aid ......what ??? Anybody seen my glasses.Is that Tnuts over there or did someone drive there car through the window ... Oh thats better.... I can see now .
Wow ! am I the only good looking one without make up on here this mornning ??? Nice dress Galvi ! Why you sittin on Tnuts lap ????
Ever wonder what happens to all the donut holes from the donuts ???
Hey I got to make a 300 mile road trip to the big city today . You guys need anything .
Hey ! Was that JB that went running by wearing nothing but a smile ?????Shes cute !
Serious note: I started rebuilding the 3/4mile of road coming into the ranch yesterday and my back is killing me this morning .Sure would be nice to have a Road grader for 1/2 day . Took down 1/2 mile of #@!!!* barb wire fence too. I hate that crap . I want to build a really nice fence coming into the place . Help me decide !!!!
Pass the donuts..... what ? There are none left ? Geez .....Looks like Tnutz even licked the damn plate too .
Oh yea ..... Good morning !