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Quelab Member Needs Help with a Libretto


Looks like a type 1 PCMCIA? Anyone have maybe a PCMCIA>Compact Flash card or another way to accomplish what he needs? I have compact flash cards out the wazoo, so I have that part covered. Looking through my junk for PCMCIA parts now.


On 2022-11-22 12:57, John Benedetto via Chatter wrote:

Can anyone help me pull data off of an old Toshiba Libretto 50CT subnotebook?(

I was getting ready to scrub data off of it before listing it for sale, and now want to try to save some of that data. There is some sort of card slot on the side, maybe for a vintage compact flash card? Does anyone still have one they could lend me (& a way to pull the data from that card later)?